Medi-Cal and private insurance (California)

My girlfriend and our 2 kids have been on Medi-Cal since she lost her job during the pandemic. I'm covered through the VA so we have been able to get by without having to pay for private insurance. About 6 weeks ago she received a letter saying the three of them would be losing Medi-Cal from exceeding household income requirements so I took the letter to my HR, and got a family plan for me and our kids. After some back and forth, the state reinstated their Medi-Cal, so now our kids have Medi-Cal and private insurance through my work. I am required to report that the kids have insurance through me (under law, Medi-Cal cannot be first payer) so I am wondering if this will affect my girlfriend's eligibility for Medi-Cal? I was concerned over our kids not having insurance so I jumped into action. But now I am wondering if my actions screwed her out of insurance in the process? We looked at the Covered CA plans for individuals and they're outrageously priced, so I don't know how they expect anyone making just over the income limits to actually pay for these.

submitted by /u/Maleficent_Hair_5954

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