Medi-Cal and Covered CA eligibility confusion

I am 35 and located in Yolo County, CA. I was laid off on 4/12 from a remote virtual assistant job I made $20/hour at 40 hours a week (no benefits). I applied for Medi-Cal and CalFresh and was approved. I applied before I received unemployment. I get $400 a week in unemployment now and that started 5/4/24. I never updated Medi-Cal/CalFresh that I started receiving unemployment $ as I figured they would be automatically notified by EDD. In total, I receive $1600/month and this will end 10/20/24. Today, I got an email from Covered CA saying that my Medi-Cal is ending 8/31 and they're switching me to a Silver 94 $0 a month Covered CA plan. I called Covered CA and they mentioned something like I have 3 different accounts, and the one that shows my unemployment $,because of the "payout schedule" (or something to that effect), my income is counted at at $1733.60/month. That's JUST over the Medi-Cal income limit of $1732/month for a single person household, but . . . WTF! I have NO idea where they got that number, I truly only get $1600 a month. Has anyone else dealt with this? I have no idea what to do. I wouldn't mind switching to a Silver Plan, but the doctor I just found and love isn't in the Covered CA network, and not only that, I just tested strongly positive for an autoimmune disease I suspect is lupus although it'll probably take much time and specialist visits to get a real diagnosis. I feel like shit all the time (joint pain, shortness of breath, fatigue) and use a rollator walker in order to be mobile. Also if I'm hospitalized under the Silver Plan, it could be expensive. At this rate, I don't even know if I'll be healthy enough to hold down a job in the near future. What should I do?

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submitted by /u/lotusdreamz