Maternity coverage costs with CareFirst Blue Preferred?

I’m currently covered by BCBS FEP but have the opportunity to switch to CareFirst Blue Preferred. I live outside the DC area but it has all my usual providers in network and the premium for my family is half of what we pay. I would switch without hesitation if it weren’t for the fact that I’m hoping to have another baby before the end of next year. I’ve looked through the paperwork and after the deductible it’s 15% of allowed pricing (or whatever the term is). This makes me nervous.

I know BCBS FEP basically covers all maternity so I’m worried that if I switch I’ll be looking at more than $3500 (premium difference). OOP In network is $3k & $6k and out of network is $5k & $10k. I feel like giving birth is always tricky because the gray area of billing costs to your baby and not knowing for sure if any of the services might come back out of network.

I would love to hear about anyone else’s experiences with maternity costs for CareFirst.

submitted by /u/SAbound1234

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