Marketplace to Medicaid switch in October, 1095-A issue with double coverge overlap month

Approximately Oct 25 2024, I was approved for NY Medicaid, via updating my info in the NY Healthcare marketplace. My Medicaid plan went into effect October 1 retroactively, and my previous MVP marketplace insurance coverage ended. I assumed MVP coverage would end Oct 31, since the premiums are pre-paid at the start of the month for me. I assumed October was a double coverage month due to this technicality.

I receive ACA premium subsidy credits, but it isn’t baked into my premium, I claim it on my end of year taxes. I pay the premium in full when I do.

I just received my 1095-A and 1095-B from NY marketplace. 1095-A stays my MVP insurance is through September only, and 1095-B says my Medicaid insurance covers Oct-Dec 2024. There is no overlap shown.

The question is, should MVP have provided paid coverage for the month of October, or should that October premium now be refunded due to Medicaid starting Oct 1? Alternatively, is the 1095-A just incorrect about October? I did not use my MVP coverage in October, but that would have made it interesting.

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