Marketplace, SEP, Back Coverage, ER Visit, and More

Hi, I have had quite the horrible strainuous health insurance situation this past half of the year so let me just bulletpoint everything that has gone on.

Work for a startup that does not have health insurance benefits at all Turned 26 in july, effectively removing me from my parents health insurance My wife has amazing insurance through her work, but her work did not cover any spouse or dependent, the premiums are approx $750 per person. We had our baby on October 8th Before the baby, I was not eligible for marketplace insurance due to (my wifes work's) monthly unsubsidized premium not exceeding the 9.12% of income Now that the baby is here, the monthly unsubsidized premium is now deemed unaffordable (over 9.12%), and we have access to the marketplace. I have already confirmed eligibility on marketplace (did this october 8th), but have not picked out a plan yet.

Low and behold, in my amazing luck. For the first time ever in my life, I had a seizure, resulting in an emergency room visit today, and ambulance ride. Ive never been to a hospital in my life for care of my own up to this point. Go figure it was right in this extremely precarious time in our lives

My question is on the marketplace, it says "For coverage to start on October 8 2023, Confirm your plan by December by 2023" Does this mean now our plan we elect to go with will cover my ER visit today?

submitted by /u/mr_calvin1

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