Hey everyone! I have a couple questions about the marketplace, which I’ve never used before so it’s all a bit confusing. I resigned from my job so my employer covered insurance will end at the end of this month. I’m taking some time off to travel visiting family that I didn’t see much during covid and so I’m only taking on a few hours per week as an independent contractor at this time, therefore I need to get my own insurance. My main questions are:

Does insurance selected during a special enrollment period only last until the end of this year, or for 12 months?

Are there more insurance options available during open enrollment compared to special enrollment? The reason I ask this is because I’d prefer to keep my same insurance carrier and providers if possible, but the specialist office I go to said they take POS and PPO plans, but when I browse plans at the moment I only see HMO options

Are POS or PPO plans an option off-exchange? If so, how would I find those? And do they tend to be similar price to COBRA, which is way too expensive for me, or a little cheaper?

ETA: I’m 28, in Georgia, my income this year will probably come to about 45k

Sorry if they’re silly questions! Also let me know if I should clarify anything 🙂

See also  Help, I don’t know how health insurance works