Marketplace question – Medicaid that I never qualified for

I’m a self-employed individual and applied for my first Marketplace plan last December during open enrollment. The income question asked for my income during December 2023, which was $0 as I am a seasonal worker who makes all my income in the first half of the year. That immediately sent notice to my state that I qualify for Medicaid coverage, even though I very much do not based on my income. I revised my application, got a Marketplace plan that I wanted, and thought everything was settled.

Fast forward five months and I get a letter from my state saying that I qualify for Medicaid coverage and that I was now enrolled. I immediately went onto their website portal and submitted a “Change of Income” notification since, again, I do not qualify for Medicaid. I assumed that would solve the problem.

Now in August 2024, I just received a letter in the mail from the Marketplace stating that I have dual coverage between the Marketplace and Medicaid and that my Marketplace plan should be cancelled. I called my state and sure enough, they never did anything with my income update request. I was apparently still enrolled in Medicaid despite never qualifying and never wanting it.

What should I do now? My state is cancelling my Medicaid as I wanted them to do four months ago. Will my current Marketplace plan be cancelled? I’m happy with my plan as is and don’t want anything to change. Have I permanently lost my Premium Tax Credit for the months when this fake Medicaid coverage was in place? Thanks so much.

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