Marketplace plan & "projected income"

So, december '23, fell for those wierd Youtube Ads making it seem like it was a stimulus handout, and after putting my info om the page, next day was on the phone w a smooth tslkin kid, who seemed to be rushin thru his script and assured me thst despite me not having amy imcome except pell and St loans, that $16,000 a year was a good stsrting figure and everwything eould be fine. So, Jan 1st, plan activated , and its pretty much sst there unused… I domt knoe snything about insursnce, except ive aleays had a big distrust in it, by how its set up and have heard many stories by friemds and fsm about them not wanting to pay/ help out w stuff ehen they should. Main question: was i wrong to go along with this kid about "projected income" ? Should i have been more honest and said ", idk what im going to do or make next year" ? Reccomended COA?

Also, any place yall could recommend for me to learn the basics of ins would be appreciated, what ive learned so far could be considered novel and zany, but i really want to understsnd this silver policy i have beforr i decide to use it. Thx very much.

(Ps. A lady from marketplace told me the "$6000" subsidy cards advertised on YT were only obtainsble thru maintaining good health, and using the policy at lesst once for a checkup with PCP, and id get "near that amount" at end of year before or aftrr policy ran out , cant remembrr right now…) truth to this? Thx

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submitted by /u/Cyborg_Marner