Marketplace Plan not showing up anymore and I know its available

My 19 year old daughter is a college student and independent, she has her own marketplace login. She has 2023 coverage on a silver plan. (she files her own tax return).

I have myself and my husband on a Bronze plan through our own marketplace login and everything is separate.

What's weird is that we need to pick a specific 2024 plan (Aetna CVS) due to specific doctor who only takes this 1 plan. But it is not showing up for my daughter. It does show up for me and my husband!

She is NOT eligible for Medicaid or CHIP due to income and it says so on her enrollment notice.

Our current 2023 plan was Cigna and we both separately chose this plan, however it terminates at the end of 2023 and is not offered in 2024.

The only thing I can think of that is different that would cause the plan not to show up for her is her address.

My daughter's main address is her apartment at college, but her mailing address is our house (in a different county).

Can anybody think of any other reason why the plan would literally not show up for her?

If it is the main address, then do I need to terminate and restart the application and use our home address for both addresses in the system?

submitted by /u/cakebakr2

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