I make enough for a marketplace subsidy (I live in TX). But I don't make enough for CHIP coverage. Which is OK.

But *every year* when I sign up via marketplace they kick my kid out to Chip. And every year he gets denied. But he doesn't have health care in January (and sometimes February) because they process me as a "life change" and not "this is how he originally applied".

In the past I thought that Marketplace sent me info/application to TX DHS Chip for application. (I could be recalling this wrong). But this year I found that didn't happen, and I didn't "apply" for Chip til 1/21 and still haven't heard a response/denial.

Marketplace tells me (via phone) "Hey, why not apply for Chip * before* you apply for Marketplace?". And my response is "Cause I know I don't qualify, my state hates Chip so their services suck, and I'm willing to pay for my son". Plus knowing TX it could be some kind of fraud to apply if I don't meet the criteria.

Is there a way for me to get Marketplace coverage in Jan for my son w/out them kicking him out to Chip for application/denial?

submitted by /u/CaptSensible

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