Looking to find insurance, preferred by doctors, in Oklahoma. Is the silver plan insurance on the Market Place, like state run insurance? The kind of insurance doctors don’t won’t to mess with, because the government subsidies some of the cost. Having intellectual disability, I can’t read and comprehend very good. Has someone gone from silver to gold or platinum. Were you treated any different. Should I claim no mental disorder, with no treatment, for insurance cost saving. Should I not tell them I have been prescribed dextroamphetamine for years, and want to continue. Will insurance company give me a higher rate, due to possible heart attack or stroke from taking amphetamines. Can insurance companies look up what meds I’ve been on. Will it make premiums higher. If I quit my paper route, will they give me state insurance back. How much does silver plan insurance cost? Is it worth buying, or is bronze a better choice and pay for psychiatrist and meds?

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