Edit: Indiana. Age 36.

I lost my Medicaid had it for roughly 7 years because my dad makes so much money, I live with him.

I don't currently work because last year I had an accident on the stairs and had knee surgery now have screws and a metal in it. I can walk but don't have good stamina in it yet and it hurts really bad after too much activity. I live in a small town so anything available are stores or factories nearby. I live in Indiana. I have no idea when I'll get the stamina back for a job. I also have 130000$ hospital debt because my accident happened when visiting family not in state and Medicaid just covers me in Indiana.

I'm afraid because I can walk and do things normally just not for long periods of time I won't be able to get disability SSI but because of my bad knee I won't be hired at the grocery store because I'll need accommodations. I was going to try later this year as I've been working on building the stamina in my knee and it's almost done completely healing. Surgeon said it could take 18 months for full healing.

Can I even appeal this? The letter I got said because I haven't submitted proof of frail health condition I'm losing my insurance April 1st. They know about my accident last year because the hospital tried to get them to pay for anything.

submitted by /u/Destany89

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