Lost job, which insurance covers expensive speciality medications?


I had a good PPO health insurance from my employer and I have been receiving biologic "Cosentyx" for the last two years and was recently switched to "Taltz". These monthly shots can cost up to $ 7,000 if you don't have any insurance. these are the only medicines which work for my condition (Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis).

I lost my job due to them laying off people in hundreds. Anyway, I am looking to buy decent PPO insurance in California that will covers such expensive medication. Please let me know if you have any recommendations as I find it very confusing. For example, if I choose Medicaid or Medicare, I think they only have HMO plans so I need to see a GP first and then get a referral to a rheumatologist who may or may not decide to prescribe these medications, unlike my current doctor. Am I better off buying something like a Aetna PPO plan even though it's a bit expensive?

submitted by /u/Popular-Entry2887

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