I was recently informed on June 10 that my contract position ended on April 1. I was on maternity leave and was set to go back on April 3. I had insurance through the staffing agency and since I did not get a paid maternity leave I had to pay the insurance premiums out of pocket which I did via checks. I was informed that since they are actively looking for other position I can stay on the current insurance plan.

The HR reached out and informed me that since my contract position ended on 1st April, my insurance benefits lasted till the end of April. My problem is that they informed me so late that I’m not even eligible to get on another insurance plan through marketplace or get added to my husband’s plan since more than 60 days have passed. I have not received any COBRA paperwork yet. I continued to mail in checks until the end of May to my employer and they continued to be cashed. I had a doctor visit in May that was processed through my insurance and it was already claimed. Can I take legal action against my employer or what else can be done in my case? Would the hospital or the insurance require me to pay out of pocket for that visit? I live in Texas

submitted by /u/Wise-Frosting8954

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