I was hoping to get some insight on what plan with covered CA (or otherwise)would be best for my family. We’re a 3 household family with child under 18. I will be starting a job in August that will kick us over the limit for all 3 of us. My husband has not worked for a year due to injury and I haven’t barely worked due to being in school the last few years (for my new career I’m starting). So while I will have a well paying job we have debt from the last year… what plan is best for us if we use a good deal of benefits. My husband and so both do weekly physical therapy and mental health/therapy appointments … and have monthly RX, 2 of which are very expensive without insurance(suboxone). Upwards of $900 a month is the cash price. We need good insurance for referrals like the PT and all, plus we prob go to the ER twice a year due to my son having asthma like symptoms when he gets certain viruses.

Any insight is appreciated I’m trying to plan ahead. I’m not sure yet if I will qualify for benefits from my job as it may not qualify as full time 🙁 so approach the question as if I do not qualify for employer benefits . Ty 🙏🏼

submitted by /u/Slow_Rabbit_6937

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