Looking to improve the HSA experience

I've been using my HSA account to get reimbursed for certain medical expenses at places like CVS, for example. To get reimbursed, I currently either upload receipts or have to switch payment cards when also buying "non-medically qualified items". It might just be me, but I keep missing receipts or forgetting to use my HSA card (I know, it's on me!).

I work in fintech and was considering building an API integration to enable benefit recipients to connect their personal credit card and bank accounts to their HSA accounts. The idea is that this would automatically split the eligible vs non-eligible expenses, as well as immediately initiate direct reimbursements while 1) removing the need for an additional debit card and 2) eliminating time spent uploading receipts.

Curious if people other than myself and my close network would be interested in this / face similar issues. Would appreciate any insights as I begin to build this out. Please feel free to comment or DM. Ultimately, I would love to chat with any current HSA users to understand pain points.

submitted by /u/Additional-Camel-238

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