Looking for information or advice.

This is a copy of my post from the r/BariatricSurgery. It was suggested I might get some info here.

I am scheduled to have my procedure done on June 19th. I've already gone through all of the prep and was set to begin my liquid this week. Back in January, I jumped on my wife's insurance plan, as it covered the surgery and my workplace insurance did not. Well, last week my wife lost her job and her benefits ended on Friday.

As losing her coverage is considered an eligible "life" event, I have the option of immediately going back to my workplace insurance, however they won't cover the surgery at all. The other option that was floated is going under COBRA. They will cover the surgery, but it will be incredibly pricey. Likely well out of range of what we can afford now that we are on one income for the time being. The thought was that we could go under that for a couple of months, get my procedure done, and I would switch over to my workplace insurance in August after post-op. But the flaw in that, is they don't consider leaving COBRA as an eligible "life" event, so the option to enroll is closed and I would have to wait until January.

I am hoping that someone might have a thought or some info that might give me a bit of hope for this. I was so ready to get this done and to get my health on the right track, but now it feels like my lifeline has been yanked away from me.

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submitted by /u/DarthKallos