Looking for help understanding QSEHRA (qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangement), remote team members all over the US, small company

New to this sub, and hopefully this is the right place for my question and the right flair (?) Apologies if it is not.

I'm in a leadership role at a pretty small company. We do not provide employer-sponsored health plans (our higher-ups have told me that there is not an affordable option for us to offer it). I think that if we had something we could offer, there probably wouldn't be a lot of employee participation generally (a lot of our small staff are on a spouse's plan or have other arrangements, etc.). Since we don't offer a health plan, we can't offer an HSA or FSA either. However, I have done some light reading about QSEHRA and wonder if this is an option for us to offer as an employee benefit.

Does anyone have experience with QSEHRA and would be willing to share information or resources on how we might look into it as an option?

As an aside, this came up for me because we offer what is called EDH funds (employee development and health funds), which can be used for a lot of other things but not direct health care costs. I don't understand the details, but it sounds like it is a legal issue for an employer to cover direct health care costs for an employee. I'm wondering if we could offer an option for employees to either have the EDH funds provided annually, made available in a choice of QSEHRA or as EDH funds in the future – provide an option to our team members instead of just saying "hey employee, you can't use your funds for PT or mental health care, but you can buy your gym membership with it." As a point of clarification, my effort to understand this better is coming from a place of advocating for better benefits for myself and our team.

See also  No insurance

submitted by /u/pancakesandglasses