Last June I was admitted to the hospital to have my gallbladder removed. The reason for admission was suspected sepsis, per my medical records. Insurance has been trying to find ways to deny my $33000 bill since. My initial appeal was denied as the hospital didn’t obtain prior authorization. They had undergone a cybersecurity attack and systems were down. I appealed, and it was then denied as not medically necessary without further information. I asked a rep about appealing to a third party, only to be informed they had no record that the claim had ever been appealed. I started the process over. The third appeal was denied as not medically necessary, stating that they don’t cover hospitalizations for gallbladder surgery unless there is concern for infection. I submitted a fourth appeal highlighting that I was hospitalized to have treatment for sepsis. This time, I received a denial stating that because it was more than 180 days out, they will no longer review my appeals. I’m really not sure what to do at this point. Any advice on appealing this?

submitted by /u/maddiesnotonfire

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