Looking for advice: My girlfriend is pregnant, doesn’t have health insurance, and is applying for Medicade.

My girlfriend has a part time job which doesn’t provide health insurance. It was supposed to turn into full time job with benefits after a few months but it looks like she was lied to. I have a good union job with good insurance. I checked with my union and they won’t cover her pregnancy medical expenses. She is applying for Pregnancy Medicade and I imagine she’ll get it. We are going to get married at some point but I was thinking it might be easier after the baby is born. If she gets on Medicade and we get married before the baby is born I don’t know how my insurance would affect the situation. Plus I have a 80/20 plan so we would be paying for 20% of the medical bills up to $3500. I imagine Medicade would be the cheaper of the two options. I’m not familiar with Medicade, could we potentially be going to the same doctor whether it be through my union insurance or Medicade? Or is Medicade more hassle than it’s worth? Obviously I want what’s best for her and the baby but I don’t know what that is.
Thanks in advance if you offer some guidance and/or decide to preach.

submitted by /u/GroundMonkeyy

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