Looking for advice about health insurance with new remote job

I live in the southern US, and recently started a new job for a Chicago-based company. The provider they use is Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. There are three plans available to choose from: HMO ($188/mo), HDHP ($212), and PPO ($244).

I’m in my mid-20s and rarely have needed any sort of medical care in over the past 5 years. I think I average around 1 total visit per year, so I’m not concerned about needing to cover routine expenses. The only reason I want coverage is to mitigate catastrophic expenses. A low out of pocket max is mostly what I look for, as a $1,000 deductible won’t play any different than $2,500 when I likely won’t even hit $1,000 any given year. Just don’t want to risk being on the hook for $20,000 or anything.

The HMO looks great—lowest cost and $1,500 OOP max. No deductible, everything’s covered with reasonable copays in network and nothing applies out of network. Problem is that all in network providers are at least 10 hours away from my home. That leaves the other two plans to choose from.

HDHP has $2,500 deductible and $5,000 OOP, and includes a yearly $1,000 HSA deposit from employer. PPO has $500 deductible and $1,500 OOP with no HSA contribution. In network providers for those are sparse in my area, but they’re there. Just won’t have a ton of selection without driving an hour plus to the nearest major city in my state—not a huge deal.

I’m thinking the HDHP is the way to go, even though it’s tough to stomach the monthly cost and limited nearby providers (similar plan at old job only cost me $95/mo and everyone was in network). Also might look around at non-employer-provided plans (marketplace?), but those may be even more pricey for what I can get. Just wanted to throw my situation out here to see if there are any considerations I’m missing or if anyone has experienced similar with remote work. All thoughts/advice are greatly appreciated!

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