Looking for 5-6 month insurance coverage for my newborn

Had a healthy baby girl on Jun 19. This is child #4 for my wife and me. Unfortunately I was fighting with UHC so much to approve the claims that they negligently denied, I completely lost focus and forgot to add my new daughter to our company benefits within the 30 day window. (It was 7 weeks when I noticed)

My company is telling me there’s nothing that can be done to add her during open enrollment for Jan 1. I’m appealing the decision citing all of the UHC issues but not holding out much hope.

I filled out the healthcare.gov application and it’s giving me multiple options including a $150 catastrophic plan and a $200 bronze plan. She’s so far (knock on wood) gotten a clean bill of health but obviously want some kind of coverage for her in case of emergency. Seems like the catastrophic plan might be better because it’s $25 for primary care visits and she’s had 4 routine visits so far. Am I missing anything? Admittedly I know very little about this. Also will this meet the requirement to allow me to claim her as a dependent for 2024 taxes?

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