Limited “Unlimited” Chiropractor Visits

I hurt my back a year ago. Tried my PCP, physical therapy, chiropractor, pain management clinic, and 2 epidural injections. MRI showed at least 3 bulging discs, with 1 herniation. It causes pain in my low right back that shoots down my right leg into my ankle. It also causes pain in my back left leg, and my upper back is constantly suffering trying to hold it all together. My insurance is UPMC For You. Recently my chiropractor told me I have to “take a gap in care” despite the “unlimited” chiropractor visits my plan affords me. UPMC hires a company called AMI to track patients that use their “unlimited” visits frequently. Now, my chiropractor told me to fuck off for 2 months and UPMC, after looking into it, told me to fuck off as well. What is the point of “unlimited” visits if they become limited upon frequent use. Seriously, they want to classify my pain as chronic when every doctor I’ve spoken to has told me that the disc will eventually heal and that treatments like the Chiro genuinely help in that process. I was told my only option is to “file a complaint.”

Any info or advice would be appreciated. I assume I’m just fucked.

See also  NICU Stay Not Covered