Lesser of Two Health Insurance Evils? Which Plan is Less Bad?

My new employer only offers two health insurance plans and neither are good, in my opinion. My employer is putting pressure on everyone to do the HDHP, so some unbiased perspective would be much appreciated. Based on the below info, which plan seems like the lesser of two evils?

Plan 1 – Copay (individual):

$450/mo, no deductible, $9450 oop max

preventative care fully covered

telehealth fully covered

no coinsurance

PCP copay: $30

Specialist copay: $60

ER copay: $650

FSA available

Plan 2 – HDHP (individual):

$28/mo, $8,000 deductible, $8,000 oop max

preventive fully covered (not subject to deductible)

everything covered 100% after deductible (no coinsurance)

HSA available with up to $500 employer match if I put in $500 (one time match). Max annual HSA contribution is $4,150

About Me:

$65k gross salary

therapy 2x a month is a MUST (I do telehealth for this)

I’m in the beginning stages of an autoimmune disease (resulting in frequent blood work and specialist visits; about once every 3-6 months)

I have moderate health anxiety (going to the doctor for non-preventive care at least once a month or every other month, but sometimes more)

I’m worried that with how much care I get that I wouldn’t be able to really save anything in my HSA/grow an HSA overtime, which is supposed to be one of the main benefits of the HDHP

I made significantly less money at my less job, so dishing out the higher premium for the copay plan wouldn’t be the end of the world. I’ll still be taking home more than I was

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