Laid off but Covered California plans still cost $400+

I was recently laid off on April 3, 2024. As my employer supplied healthcare ends at the end of this month, I went to Covered California to shop for an affordable plan.

After putting in what I made this year so far, plus the severance and bonus I was paid out, and what I’d get weekly through EDD, it puts me at around $70,000 yearly income. Because of this, all the healthcare plans are around $400 minimum and go up from there.

I’ll only be getting $1,800 a month on EDD and I’m shocked the plans are so high. I talked to my therapist about it and he said to see if I could appeal as I won’t be bringing in much money moving forward.

I need coverage starting in May, where I’ll only bring in $1,800 so I’m confused as to why I have to buy a plan that’s $400+ because of income I made prior to being laid off.

Maybe this is just the state of employee based healthcare system and I haven’t been on Covered California since 2016, where I made much less and my insurance plan while unemployed was $2 a month.

Any advice or do I just have to pay this month because the 3 months I was employed + severance/bonus (which were HIGHLY taxed) were more than the FPL?

submitted by /u/catahstrophic

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