Keeping same dental plan (Marketplace)

So, I have a dental plan I purchased through the marketplace last year. The problem is. Each year I choose a dental plan and the waiting cycle for full coverage starts all over again.

I’m trying to figure out how I can keep the current plan I have. Allowing me to continue coverage and actually take advantage of it.

It’s an HMO plan with a decent network. That supposedly covers everything for adults after the out of pocket limit is reached. Except orthodontics and certain limits per tooth.

I’m just confused how this works with the healthcare marketplace. I don’t want to accidentally cancel my current plan and start a new one during enrollment. Do I choose the option “Plan you picked before (ends 12/31/2023)” or just not enroll in any dental plan this time?

I’m worried that if I choose “Plan you picked before (ends 12/31/2023)”. I’ll end up with the same plan started over with a new policy number. If I decline dental. That it’ll just cancel my plan.

I wish they made this clear. How to choose and keep your current plan. I don’t want to end up at square one again. Because I’m pretty sure I’ll need two crowns and at least one root canal next year.

See also  Employer Health Insurance plan is Completely Out of my Network