Kaiser SoCal insurance. Was told nearest Kaiser hospital was full and not to come and diverted to the closest hospital. How do I make sure this is covered?

Hi there. Hoping anyone familiar with Kaiser SoCal plans can help me navigate how to be proactive with our current situation. We have a no Deductible HMO plan with Kaiser. I am 26 weeks pregnant and have been admitted to a non Kaiser hospital that is closest to my home.

I experienced an emergency with my pregnancy over the weekend. The severity of it was enough that I immediately went to the nearest hospital which is right down the road from where I live. Kaiser said they cover emergency visits for their patients at other hospitals which is why I went. I was held over the weekend for observation until I was stable enough to leave and was discharged with instructions to go back to the hospital if I started bleeding again. Unfortunately, this evening I started bleeding again. We got into the car and were prepared to head to the Kaiser Hospital immediately which is 30-40 minutes away depending on traffic. I called the labor and delivery department on our way and was told “we can’t take you, we have no beds and no rooms. Go to another hospital.” I insisted on speaking with a nurse who asked me my symptoms and told me to go to the closer hospital immediately.

I am now back at the closer hospital and am being told I will be here at minimum until next weekend, but may require a longer stay until delivery. I am concerned that kaiser will not cover these stays even though I was told by them to come here and that they would not take me at their hospital. Any advice on how to be proactive about this? I want to make sure they process these claims in network and we are not hit with a massive hospital bill down the line . My family is already looking at a potential premature birth situation and Kaiser deciding they don’t need to cover my stay is not something I would like to add to an already stressful situation. Any help or advice is so appreciated. Thank you in advance

See also  Incorrect claim/record?