Just moved to US as a greencard holder in state of IL – (Early 30’s) – Which plan should I get?

Hi folks,

Having just moved to the US, I am in need of a health insurance plan. My SO just started grad school and has the student healthcare plan which is roughly $5000 for the year. There was an option to add a spouse but I thought it seemed really high priced so am looking to consider other options.

Really overwhelmed by the knowledge so would love some help!

Some context which might help:

Early 30's, currently a full-time student in an online program (with no insurance offerings).

No long-term health issues. I am still registered to my doctor in the UK and am still receiving my prescription for that at my UK residence (ADHD meds) which costs $10 a month to maintain. Whilst I can keep this up I dont really intend to seek my medication from the US for this.

Not planning to have any children any time soon. Mostly looking for something that allows me to see a family doctor easily and get prescription medication without any issues (if/when required).

Not sure if any other knowledge is needed but any help would be appreciated!


submitted by /u/firemeaway

See also  Affordable care act/insurance coverage