Just lost job, how to inform healthcare.gov application

Located in Georgia. My (30F) husband (30M) lost his job, which provided us health insurance, the week before Thanksgiving. We lose health insurance December 1st. We can’t afford the cost of continuation of coverage on my income alone (varies $36-$58k per year). He hasn’t been approved for unemployment yet. I had marketplace insurance in another state before we were married. He’s never needed it as he’d been with this company for years. I’m trying to make sure I do this correctly.

I began working on the marketplace application, and it asks for our November income of course. Obviously, I want to report truthfully as he’ll be getting almost his full expected pay for the month of November. However, I worry that they’ll base our premium tax credit eligibility on that, and we won’t be able to afford a plan.

Can I complete the application and report a life event (his job loss) after I submit it? Then, do I report another life event if he’s paid unemployment later? Is marketplace insurance even the best choice here? Hopefully, he lands a new job with benefits soon, but it’s a lousy time of year for job hunting.

Edit to add age & income

submitted by /u/throwaway4moneyqs

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