Just hit my out of pocket max for the year.

Hi, I have a HDHP though my employer which my wife is also on. I did not expect to get close to hitting my deductible when the year started put but some unexpected stuff came up where I had to have 2 minor surgeries and here I am after shelling out $5,000 since January 1st. Since I never expected to be in this situation and haven't been in the past I am trying to figure out how I can use this to my advantage. I definitely have some other medical related issues I would like to have taken care of but never do due to the high cost of seeing doctors. Of course this stuff is not super urgent or else I would just bit the bullet and fork out the co-pays but definitely some things I would like to address if there are going to be essentially free. So before I start making appointments with providers I want to make sure I don't accidentally end up costing myself more money. If they are in-network providers should I confirm with my insurance company what the visit is for to make sure they cover it. For example one thing I would like to do is have a sleep study done but this may not be considered medically necessary so I would definitely want to make sure as these are quite expensive. Anyway if anybody has any tips they can share about this stuff I would really appreciate it.


submitted by /u/Mental-Evidence-6240

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