Just got billed from a year ago

Hello, I went to an emergency hospital in nyc, where I am a resident and had a doctor look at me and do an ultrasound for some issue in my abdomen. They never found anything and said to just take some basic over the counter medicine which they prescribed. The thing is when I got to the hospital, I specifically stated that if it was going to cost anything and anything at all then I dont want to see a doctor. I even remember asking if I was free to go after and they said yes, I had assumed you get billed right then and there if you owe anything. Yesterday I got a bill in my mail for the visit and its a lot of freaking money. I had insurance then but the hospital was out of network I believe anyway which is why I was insistent on not seeing a doctor if it would cost me. I have about a week to pay it off now. What can I do? Can my insurance company foot the bill? Can I refuse to pay? Will they even believe me? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

submitted by /u/Friendly_Kangaroo865

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