Just got billed $200+ for a blood test I had over a month ago??

I have insurance through my job with BCBS.

I’ve been undergoing treatment for depression and anxiety, and my psychiatrist ordered lab work to see some of my levels. I went to an external lab (not a hospital) which I’ve gone to in the past, when I only had Medicaid (I don’t recall paying much, or anything at all for it).

Being extremely new to the utter rotten clusterfuck that is the US healthcare system, I was surprised I had to pay $55 up front. But I shrugged it off and took the bill.

Fast forward past a month and I just got a bill in the mail saying that I owe $232. The fuck why???

So like, what’s the damn point in having deductions from my paycheck every month for health insurance that doesn’t actually cover more than Medicaid does?

Is there anything I can do? I think I’m still on Medicaid. Could I use that to save myself from having to pay?

I can’t describe how mad I am that everything in this country is designed so needlessly complex with the aim of squeezing out as much out of you as possible.

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