Just found out I’m pregnant but still on my parents health insurance

I’m looking for some guidance/help. I’m married (23, spouse is also 23) and still on my parent’s insurance. After we got married our parents encouraged us both to just stay on their insurance so we didn’t get our own. Well I just found out I’m pregnant (very early only 3-4 weeks) I have a doctors appointment with my regular family doctor this week, originally just as a check up but now to confirm pregnancy. My husband and I are so excited but the whole insurance issue has come up and we aren’t sure what to do. My parents are probably going to find out in the next few weeks from appointments through the insurance. We aren’t really ready to tell them as im still very early along with the pregnancy but I’m not sure we have a choice. Open enrollment isn’t available yet and all that, my husbands jobs insurance is outrageous (almost $1000 a month just for the two of us, even higher to add the baby on later) I don’t think we qualify for any of the “life changes” requirements as we’ve been married for over a year now and moved 6 months ago. Are we just going to have to tell them earlier than we want or is there a way to get our own insurance sooner?

submitted by /u/auroramorpho

See also  (California) Not clear if employer stopping paying for COBRA qualifies as life event