Had my first regular doctors visit a few weeks ago and last Friday got a $400 bill in the mail for the full out of pocket cost. Over the weekend I found my insurance company website is showing my plan cancelled as of 12/31/2022.

I went through open enrollment last November and have been paying premiums out of my paycheck all this year. I contacted HR and they apologized and said they sent a note to their insurance broker and I'll hear back "soon", contacted them again at the end of the day and they said there's no response yet.

So now what? Will my coverage be backdated to 1/1/2023 and cover my appointment or should I send the bill to my employer and tell them to pay it? If not should I expected to be reimbursed for $600 in premiums I've paid so far with no coverage?

To make matters worse I have prescriptions I need to refill, I was getting 3 month supplies by mail order and I can't even see if the insurance company still has them on file so I can get them refilled ASAP when my plan is in effect or if I'll have to have them sent to a local pharmacy and pay a higher cost 30-day supplies at a "non-preferred" supplier.

submitted by /u/overdoing_it

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