I’m a teacher and started working for a different school.

My current insurance is: Cigna Dental DPPO 5000/250: $18 / mo 100/25/50 In and out of network benefits are the same. Iowa Total Care (state health insurance) Vision (don’t currently carry)

My job offers insurance and insurance packages through Wellmark for health, Delta for dental, and VSP for vision.

My employer pays 80% of the premium and I pay 20% (premiums are listed in the photo attached to this post)

My employer also contributes towards an HSA per pay period. I am not sure on if a HSA or FSA is beneficial because I have never used one before.

I am mainly concerned with the health plans, picking one that makes sense. I make $2800 gross with no OT, if OT accrues we are flexed out.

I will more than likely go HMO if I can but if worse, comes too worse PPO.

Which plan on the attached photo makes the most sense?

High vs. Low Deductible?

If I add in dental with job insurance should I keep Cigna as a secondary since I only pay $18 a month? Cigna offers $5000 year allowance and Delta offers $750

Thank you.

Health Policy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gd4p8ANSD2gSZEZPEQbjl6RWLmz4xSYE/view?usp=drivesdk

Dental & Vision Policy: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1onkOKIFTfyo8N4k2u4O6R1PZy9JMGXVf/view?usp=drivesdk

submitted by /u/ogkrg

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