Hi everyone- hope this is the right place to post this.

I moved to California from Oregon, where I had low income insurance. I was diagnosed with CVID and ITP and need transfusions monthly for the remainder of my life. Things went great in Oregon and I had no issues.

When I moved to California, proving my income and getting an insurance I could afford took time. A year actually. I make around 39-43k a year.

I was able to get covered CA insurance plan trio HMO through Blue Sheild at 36$ a month.

Then it’s took me about 2 years to finally get a referral, wait for availability and pre authorization for an immunologist/oncologist.

During this time, I didn’t think it would ever happen and enrolled at a university in another state. I moved there. It’s been three weeks. I get a call from my California doctor I’m finally approved but since it’s HMO I can only be seen at the infusion therapy in my hometown.

My permanent residence is still California. My job is out of California remotely while I’m at Uni. I pay state wage California taxes.

What do I do? How can I get insurance here? Specifically for around the same cost? The wages out here are significantly lower and I was told I make too much money for any income assistance for health insurance.

I’m so confused and I just want to stop feeling sick but I can’t afford 300-600$ a month for insurance (what I keep getting quoted on based on my income)

I considered traveling back home, but it’s a 360$ round trip flight and I can’t afford that monthly (i would just pay for insurance if I could?)

See also  Doctor office says its covered but insurance partially denied

Please help me

submitted by /u/Temporary-Tap-5368