I’ve been forced into a health insurance plan I did not consent to and it has ruined my spending privacy, ability to pay for appointments, and risks destabilizing my future. How do I get this coverage removed?

I am 25 years old and live in the US. About 2 years ago I underwent a legal name change primarily to escape from the control of my parents. This name has been updated on all of my legal documents and my health insurance I have from my job. For 2 years I have finally been able to pay for my medical appointments without my parents denying them or preventing me from going to them. That changed this week.

My parents of course did not take any of this well and in an act of spite started a worse health insurance plan for me under my old name as their dependant. I’m not legally their dependant. Taxes were filled this year without them claiming me as one. And yet, the insurance, under a name that is no longer my legal one, has decimated my insurance’s ability to process bills.

My recent appointments get billed to this new insurance at a worse coverage rate that sends receipts straight to my parents. I was almost unable to pick up perscriptions because the pharmacy couldn’t find them until I used my old name.

I can’t use double insurance coverage because the names don’t match up. I called the insurance that added me without my consent and they won’t remove my name unless I get permission from the account holder which I know is impossible. It didn’t matter when I explained my situation. They told me to wait until I turned 26 to be free of this. I called my primary insurance to deal with this but the most they can do is prioritize their insurance over the other one.

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I don’t know what to do. I thought I was finally free of them and they’re sabotaging my attempt at independence. My medical providers’ systems are so confused accounts are reverting to the old name which no longer matches my government IDs. Please help.

submitted by /u/AlternateJellyfish