I’m 23 and have been diagnosed with severe crohn’s disease, arthritis and celiacs disease since I was 10 years old. I’ve always had Anthem Medicaid in VA as my issues are considered a disability & since I was not from a family of exorbitant money lol. I finally landed a solid career in IT and have this insurance plan.

PLAN: https://imgur.com/a/zGQf6e8

I have no idea anything about insurance other than most of my treatments and prescriptions medications have always basically been free to me while on Medicaid. I also assume I’ll have to opt out of VA Medicaid because my income has greatly increased. One question I have is the OOPM; does that mean in regards to treatments and prescriptions I will always end up paying at least $2500 a year? Also are these numbers for each category good in comparison to other’s insurance policies? I have older friends who say numbers like these are unheard of and I should be super fortunate. Any opinions or questions are welcome!

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