Is waiting it out my only option?

I was employed full time for over five years with my previous employer, during which I had health insurance. Upon leaving I began working two part-time jobs in addition to starting my masters online. Due to this, I applied for marketplace insurance and was receiving a tax credit that covered the majority of the monthly cost. I paid around $90/month. I began full-time employment during this period and was offered health insurance but declined due to having the marketplace insurance. Since, I had to update my application to include my new employment and lost the tax credit, making the monthly payment around $600. This is not feasible for me so I cancelled. Now I am past my employers open enrollment and I don’t think my cancellation counts as a special event? So, totally without insurance at this point. Wondering if there are any options for me or if I just have to wait it out until I can do open enrollment with my company next summer? I live in Wyoming, 31F and make around $50k annually.

submitted by /u/Blueeyedgurl

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