Is this legal and what can I do?

State: Mo My insurance says there is no dollar limit on pediatric hearing aids so we got my son what he needed. When I showed up to the appointment I was told we could not be seen unless we signed this aper that said we will pay what the insurance doesnt in the even of a denial and then there was a statement about deluxe upgrades etc. Insurance says I pay 200 and they paid 1800 but I have since paid 300+ and have a bill for $3800. Mind you this is an in network provider who also told me I initially had 0 coverage for hearing aids and told me to go to charity. I got them their 6k check and got our fist pair that my son chewed up the first week hence why we got the second pair. How is this legal by an in network provider who has agreed with the insurance not to balance bill in a state where balance billing is not legal? Hospital keeps hanging on to the paper I signed under duress as they sprung it on me less than a min before being seen. They lied about my coverage the first time and essentially used me to steal from charity as I was under the impression we had no coverage. Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/callmeamorable

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