I have health insurance through my current employer, which covers me, my wife and my stepson who is 24.

My question is concerning my stepson. He does not live with us. Although he works full time, he has asked to remain on my health insurance, probably because it is financially beneficial to him. (When I asked if he could get his own health insurance through his employer, he has not given me a clear answer.)

My stepson recently got married, and his wife got a pretty good job. He was talking about possibly going on her employer based health insurance. Now normally, he would have to wait for open enrollment period, which is usually from late November to early January, I believe.

However, I am about to switch jobs, so he will lose his current health insurance. Would this be considered a 'qualifying event,' thereby allowing him to be added to his wife's health insurance now?

submitted by /u/Ok-Bit4971

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