21F, PA, GI: est. <$1,500/month

I am a 21 y/o commuter college student with ZERO health insurance and little income. My parents are divorced and have been since I was 9. I lost health insurance last August when my dad lost his job. I have not found any way of finding any sort of mental health resources. I have applied for medical assistance from the government as their websites never work and I can’t seem to get ANYTHING. Based upon my mom’s income (which is little and also supports my siblings and herself).

I am super upset and have been going downhill. Diagnosed bipolar disorder, PTSD, anxiety, OCD. I am starting to have bouts of paranoia and psychosis. My anxiety is too hard to handle and flashbacks are awful. I have extreme nightmares and night terrors from past events.

I CANT GET HELP ANYWHERE. I MAKE ALMOST NO MONEY. What I put into work goes into my gas tank, groceries, and bills. I’m trying to get my degree but I have two more years.

I honestly feel like id go before id see healthcare reform:(

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