Is there a way to find out what the Anthem BCBS PPO contracted rates are for certain office visits/procedures before actually going to that doctor.

I'm trying to figure out the best health insurance plan out of my 4 options. My platinum option has $50 copays for all specialists while bronze, silver, and gold options do not have copays, but rather I would pay a (likely) higher "negotiated rate". All of these are Anthem BCBS PPO plans. I tried calling a specialist I'm considering seeing and their billing office basically said there's no way to know in advance, as it depends on what I'm there for. I was wondering if there is a list that exists with pricing and different types of office visit (new patient 20-30 min etc) with prices just so I can get an idea. Like is it hundreds of dollars? only a hundred? And would this contracted rate be the same for a bronze vs gold plan? Once I know what this amount is, I can easily figure out my out of pocket costs with premiums, but without this info it feels next to impossible without trial and error of going to a doctor first, which I would like to avoid.

For example, I found this for Indiana, however if it looks like its for "blue access" plans, not my plans. That makes me think there is something out there for my plan and state (VA).

submitted by /u/ToyotaCorollaFail

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