Is there a site where people post their company health insurance options, benefits and rates?

TLDR: is there something for health insurance like glass ceiling for salaries?

Like a lot of people I had to select my health insurance coverage this month and like a lot of people I discovered that I’d be paying even more than last year’s already unbelievable fees. Is there any place to see what different companies offer in terms of options, benefits and costs? It’s searchable for some big public institutions like Universities or government agencies, but not private companies. I assume this is because it’s considered proprietary or private information, but it seems like there is significant public interest in greater transparency around what companies are offering, and it’s something that people should know before they agree to a job, since it has significant impact on your earnings.

Is there anyplace in the internet- official or unofficial- where you can see what a specific company offers in terms of health insurance? I’m not talking about aggregates or consulting company surveys but company specifics.

submitted by /u/qualamazoo

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