Okay, bizarre tales here and I may have already been scammed… maybe I haven’t. I can’t figure it out. But the entire health insurance marketplace is somewhat of a scam anyhow, right? So, somehow I ended up on the phone with somebody I thought was from Get Covered NJ. Even re-hashing everything sounds sketchy. But long story short, I was told I could sign up for a month to month health insurance that was better than anything I ever had. I could see a specialist / doctor for a $25 co-pay. It costs $285 a month. All this really good stuff. But I don’t trust health care anything.

Anyhow, as I signed the fine line for the first month, I actually read the fine print because again, I don’t trust any of this shit. It essentially says in this fine print that the first month is not covered unless an emergency happens. So all my plans of going to the doctor, getting blood work done, maybe a fucking CT scan? I dunno, just finally being able to check up on my health and make sure everything is working A+, get moved. I have to wait for that first month to end before I can actually legitimately use the insurance. Now… it’s month two and they already have me for $600 before I’ve even been able to use the insurance.

This is the card I got in the mail…

I guess I can’t post pictures in here? The “company” or insurance front company is called “Strategic Limited Partners LP”. And there website is nearly totally empty. The whole thing is weird.

At this same time… aka the reason I’m in this position is because it’s so goddamn difficult to get regular health insurance. I’ve been trying since November to get regular health care and jumping through hoops and spending over 30 hours talking to Get Covered NJ and Family Care and getting nowhere.

See also  Why did Future Generali decide to launch a health insurance plan for dogs? - afaqs!

Should I even try to use the insurance at this point or just cut my losses? It’s a MultiPlan plan.