Is my company offering affordable insurance and can they make me take their insurance?

I’ve gotten my health insurance from Get Covered since I was off my parents. I started a job during 2023 that offered insurance but I just kept mine because I was getting financial help. I updated my application for 2024 and then updated it for this year of 2025 on get covered as accurately and to my knowledge as I could, including my job offering me health insurance. I take their vision and dental plan, but not medical.

My employer got a letter in the mail saying they may have to pay a “employer shared responsibility payment”. I gave it to my supervisor and HR and they didn’t seem to understand it. They said it looks like I indicated that they don’t offer affordable insurance and stated that they do.

I told them I did put them down on the application and put the plan with the lowest cost premium on the application, which is why they were probably sent the letter. I told them I wanted to see if I was still eligible for the insurance I have on Get Covered which is why I filled it out and that I might want to keep the insurance I have now even if I don’t get the financial assistance if I’m no longer applicable. They said that’s fine as long as they don’t get hit with the penalty.

The plan with the lowest premium is $237.90 a month so $2,854.90 a year. I make $17 an hour right now so gross $32,640 a year and more around $27,800 after taxes. I’m not sure if ACA eligibility is based on your gross income or the income you actually take home in your paycheck.

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I am not really versed on the Affordable Care Act and what it means if I’m eligible for my employer. If I’m not eligible for help through ACA can I still take the insurance through marketplace without the financial assistance? Wouldn’t my job just have to send an appeal to say they do offer “affordable” insurance and that I’m not eligible? And does my job offer “affordable” health insurance based on the ACA?

submitted by /u/depressymessi