Is it true that dental insurance companies only issue payment in installments to the doctor? Cause I will lose insurance in November but treatment will start in September
Hello all,
I am up to date on my check ups and cleaning.
I just started a new job this month but the following month, I am leaving for another job.
My current job covers dental and orthodontist procedures such as braces.
I want to start invisalign again. I had it in the past, 2017 but a trip to Turkey set me back when I lost a tray. My current new job covers upto $2,000 on adult braces. The new job in October covers only 50% of orthodontist procedures.
I now know that I can combine both insurance but one doctor I spoke to told me insurance won't pay their portion up front. So If I start treatment this month, and let's say my treatment cost is 5K, Aethna DMO covers the $2K. Aetna DMO won't pay the $2k upfront but installments. Is this true?
September Insurance: Aetna DMO
October New Insurance: Aetna DMO 50% of cost or Metlife PDP $2,000 lifetime. I need to choose when I start in October.
submitted by /u/Lexapro89