Is it common not to be eligible for employer’s health insurance benefits for 90 days?

I am applying to new jobs, and recently received an offer from a company I want to work for, but my eligibility for their healthcare benefits wouldn't start until after 90 days of employment, and that is a logistical nightmare for me, given that it means I couldn't enroll until two weeks after the new year.

While I'm sure this is not unheard of, I have never encountered it myself; everywhere I've worked has had benefits eligibility start on the 1st of the month after the date of hire, and what I want to know is whether it's worth my time to decline their offer and look elsewhere for somewhere with sooner benefits eligibility, or if 90 days is common enough (at least in the healthcare field) that it would be a waste of my time to apply elsewhere (i.e. I would just end up in this situation again). I don't want to go through the headache of enrollment two months in a row, and I also want to make sure I'm not being taking advantage of (I've never worked in healthcare before, so I don't know how their benefits stack up against their competitors).

I confirmed with them that they have no ability to negotiate an earlier eligibility time.

Thanks in advance for your insight!

submitted by /u/amidwestintrovert

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