Is HDHP right for me?
I currently have the HDHP and only contribute $20 a paycheck to my HSA, because I don't really understand it.
Anyway, I am generally a healthy person, however, I did have a very big precancerous polyp last year, found during a colonoscopy/endoscopy. Because of this, I have to get these procedures done every year, making me think maybe the HDHP isn't the best option for me. I do have a 6 month emergency fund though, so I'd be able to pay the deductible and OOP if I stuck with the higher deductible plan. Here is the breakdown of the plan options/costs.
HDHP PLAN: Deductible: $4,500 Coinsurance: 80% Copays: none Annual OOP max: $5,500 Cost per pay check: $17.41
COPAY PLAN: Deductible: $2000 Coinsurance: 80% Copays: yes Annual OOP max: $5,000 Cost per pay check: $56.81
PPO PLAN: Deductible: $750 Coinsurance: 80% Copays: none Annual OOP max: $5,000 Cost per pay check: $70.89
Please advise!!!!!!! I have until Nov 6th to decide. Thanks so much.
submitted by /u/No_Entrance_4546