Is $750-$1100 a month for health insurance for 2 people a normal amount?
My husband (34) and I (30) have had Medicaid through the state of Arkansas for several years and due to both of us getting a better jobs we now exceed the income limit and are losing our coverage. We went from combined $35,000 and year to close to $50,000. I got on the federal marketplace to look at plans and the plans we are being offered are anywhere from $750-$1100 A MONTH for the both of us, our child still qualifies for ARkids. Is this a normal amount to pay? I’m slightly panicking and feel so overwhelmed at the cost. Neither of us have the option to get insurance through our jobs. Are there other resources to look into or is the best place to look?
I’m not trying to come across naive if this is a normal and reasonable cost. Neither of us come from financially strong households and we live in a low income area. We’re trying to do better for ourselves. It feels like we are finally starting to get ahead only to have such a large potential monthly payment to be thrown our way.
TLDR; as the title says, is $750-$1100 a month normal cost for healthcare for two people? And is the best resource for health insurance if you don’t have the option through your job? Thank you!
*edited to include ages, income, and state we reside in.
submitted by /u/the_dainty_sea